We have several committees and numerous programs for you to get involved. Every minute you can give to your PTA makes Tritt Elementary a better place.  The PTA is an integral part of the school and we welcome your involvement!





ALL PRO DADS: All Pro Dads ("APD") is an all-inclusive, educational, and community-oriented organization focused on strengthening the bond between fathers and children enrolled at Tritt. Committee Chair hosts monthly meetings before school where dads and children share breakfast and participate in a themed discussion on a specific topic, such as respect, kindness, or creativity.

All Pro Dad is a nationwide program and a division of Family First, a 501(c)(3) educational and charitable organization.


Arts in Education: A beloved Spring event filled with professional performers of all varieties for an entire day of fine and performing arts experiences for the students.

Committee chairs plan the event, determine rotation schedules, and schedule all artists.


Blood Drive: In collaboration with the Red Cross, Tritt hosts two Blood Drives each school year (one in the Fall and one in the Spring).

Chair organizes the event and schedules with the Red Cross or LifeSouth Blood Drive


Book Fair: Twice annual fund raiser for the Tritt Media Center. Tritt LLC works with Scholastic Books to assist in organizing the sale. Chairs are responsible for LLC door decor, communications, volunteer scheduling, setup and sales.


Community Outreach: Oversees, plans, and organizes a variety of outreach events, including mobile mammography sign-ups, back-to-school donation collections (item requests vary), Halloween candy collections for Troops, and Thanksgiving food drives for local food pantries. The chairperson serves as a liaison between Tritt ES and LaBelle Elementary and supports donation and health screening opportunities to benefit the community.


Exceptional Children's Committee: Exceptional Children’s Committee (ECC) will serve to increase visibility, awareness and acceptance of students of all abilities and foster opportunities for students and parents to connect in our community.

Exceptional Children’s Week - A week of activities for the education & celebration of learning differences, & differences in abilities. Chairs schedule events & speakers. Other events throughout the year.


Family Fun Night: Twice annual Tritt Elementary School gathering with food and entertainment to foster community within the Tritt Tiger Family.

Chairperson will plan and manage our family fun nights, book DJs, Food Trucks, Bouncy houses, other. Coordinate with 5th Grade Activities to sell drinks for 5th grade fundraising.


Fifth Grade Activities: Plans and executes a variety of activities for our graduating class during the last weeks of school. Chairs plan and organize t-shirts, memory books, silhouettes, as well as a 5th grade fun night, class breakfast, graduation walk and other last week of school events.


Front Desk: Trains and organizes a group of volunteers to tend the front welcome desk on a daily basis to provide staff support. Manages front desk volunteers and maintains the schedule. Chair also keeps information current and desk supplies stocked.


Fundraising: The Annual Fundraiser Coordinator and committee works with local booster companies or non-profits to partner with PTA for our annual fundraiser. Duties include: helping to select the fundraiser partner to run the fundraiser (example: Boosterthon, Activate); coordinate volunteers for count days, and event days; answer questions re the fundraiser. Current partner for Fundraising: Activate https://activate.fund/


Walk to School: Works with Tritt School schedules to coordinates Walk to School Days. Provide setup of refreshments on these days. Optional, provides opportunities for students to engage in healthy activities. Coordinating an annual health and safety program.


Heroes & Reflections Contest:  Reflections: Marketing material; collect all of the art; put up posters; details; find judges - local art teacher; breakfast for submitted.

Heroes: essay; find someone to read and recommend, per above.


Hospitality: Coordinates a group of volunteers to provide decoration, food and drink for the Teacher Luncheon, 2 PTA Board Meetings, Arts in Ed, Partners in Ed and/or other events.


LLC : Organizes a group of volunteers to assist in the ILC primarily with reshelving books and media materials.


Membership: Maintains online PTA membership portal and documents for the state and county PTA

PTA/TTF Liaison: Attends PTA Exec Board Meetings; work w/ PTA as needed.


Mobile Mammography: Mobile mammography brings life-saving breast cancer screening directly to our community, offering convenience, accessibility, and state-of-the-art 3D imaging. With quick, 15-minute appointments and acceptance of most insurance plans, it makes early detection easier than ever.


Recognition: Plans and assists with any appreciation days or gifts.


Room Parent(s): Liaison between PTA/Teachers/Class Parents. Relay communications from the PTA and Teachers to Class Parents. Organize class events - Fall Festival/Winter Holiday/End of Year, etc. Manage Staff Appreciation for your class. Relay PTA Sign Ups to your class parents.


School Dance: Details of the annual school dance will be determined, planned and executed by the chairperson. Concessions are typically available for purchase during the dance.


Tritt Trot: Our annual 1 mile fun run and 5K road race, complete with awards and trophies. Chairs plan and execute all details related to this event – including route coordination and ordering of awards, t-shirt design, communications, etc.


Webmaster: Maintains PTA website and forms. Updating content information as needed and following PTA events.


PTA Links: 


Other Links: